Returns Policy


Returns Policy

If in the unlikely circumstance you need to return an item(s) please complete the Returns form sent with your invoice. Under the United Kingdom's Distance Selling Regulations you have the right to cancel your order for any item purchased from The Headwear Store for a full refund. 

Order cancellations must be made in writing, quoting your order number, within 7 working days of the day after you receive the goods to Customer Care. Orders made with a discount voucher or pre-ordered item(s) cannot be cancelled. We can only offer an exchange of goods or store credit for these orders.

To cancel your order please contact us via the 'CONTACT' page

If however your order has already been processed, you will need to return the order to us.

Please read the Return or Exchange an item section below.

Return or exchange an item

If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, simply return the item(s) to us in their original unworn condition within 14 days of receipt. We will issue a refund on receipt, or exchange the item for a different size / colour if preferred. If Item(s) have been purchased through a discount code or at sale price or wholesale, item(s) can only be replaced and NOT refunded. Pre-Ordered items also cannot be cancelled due to stock being purchased based on this order. However delivery charges are only refundable if you have received goods that are are faulty and a refund is made.

Headwear Store has the right to refuse any improper returns when then item(s) are not sent back in the original condition or deemed 'Non Faulty'. You will be notified of this via email or phone call when necessary. 

For overseas customers, particularly Australia/New Zealand, due to waiting long waiting periods for shipping crediting sales back or in-store credit can be made available on request. 

Please note:

The item (s) is your responsibility until it reaches us. For your own protection, we recommend that you send the parcel using a delivery service that insures you for the value of the goods.
The cost of returning the item to us is your responsibility.
The parcel can take up to 7 working days to be returned to our Warehouse, unless sent via special delivery.

Please include whether you want a swap/refund in your parcel and send it to: 

Headwear Store

87 Fiery Hill Road

Barnt Green


B45 8JX

If the item you received is faulty, please contact customer care quoting your order number, your name and address, details of the product and the reason for return, and whether you require a refund or a replacement. We will then advise on how to proceed with the return. You have 30 days from receipt of the faulty item to return it to us. Please allow up to 7-10 Working Days for the refund to be credited to your payment method.

I haven't Received my order:

If your order has taken longer than a week to arrive from dispatch, feel free to contact us and we will be able to inform you further.

I received the wrong item:

If the item you received is not what you originally ordered, please contact customer care quoting your order number, your name and address, details of the product and the reason for return, and whether you require a refund or a replacement. We will then advise on how to proceed with the return.